Alternate Number Desc Mfg System Name #Available
07 AA 60 R1 GJV 30 743 65 R1 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 2
07 AA 61 R1 GJV3074366R1 07AA61R1 Analog Output Module - 4-20ma ABB Procontic 12
07 AA 62 R1 GJV 30 743 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 12
07 AA 63 GJV3074368R1 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 3
07 AA 65 R1 GJV 30 743 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 12
07 AA 80 GJR5230010R0001 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 1
07 AB 200 GJV3072413R1 07AB200 Binary Output Module - Relay ABB Procontic Ask
07 AB 60 R1 GJV 30 743 60 R1 Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 4
07 AB 61 R1 GJV 30 743 61 R1 Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 20
07 AB 67 R1 GJV 30 743 64 R1 Relay Output Module ABB Procontic 10
07 AB 90-S GJR5250800R0101 07AB90-S Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 5
07 AS 82 Memory Module ABB Procontic 1
07 BA 60 R1 GJV 30 743 97 R1 Empty Casing For Blank Slots ABB Procontic 8
07 BE 60 R1 GJV3074304R1 RACK 6 SLOT ABB Procontic 1
07 BE 62 R1 GJV3074306R1 07BE62R1 Expansion Rack with 10 Slots ABB Procontic 12
07 BR 60 R1 GJV3074375R1 Decentral I/O Coupler ABB Procontic 1
07 BR 61 R1 GJV3074376R1 Decentral I/O Coupler ABB Procontic 2
07 BT 60 R1 GJV3074301R1 07BT60R1 Rack ABB Procontic 1
07 BT 62 R1 GJV3074303R1 07BT62R1 Basic Module Rack- Slots for 8 I/O ABB Procontic 26
07 BV 60 R1 GJV 30 743 70 R1 07BV60R1 Bus Coupler Module ABB Procontic 12
07 CS 61 GJR5240300R0202; 07 CS 61E; 07 CS 61C; 07 CS 61D Fieldbus Coupler Module ABB Procontic 3
07 DS 85 07DS85R1,GJR5219300R0001/9075 07DS85 Communications Module ABB Procontic 1
07 EA 200 GJV3072418R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 2
07 EA 60 R1 GJV 30 743 50 R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 3
07 EA 61 R1 GJV3074351R1 07EA61R1 Analog Input Module- 4-20 ma ABB Procontic 23
07 EA 62 R1 GJV 30 743 52 R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 6
07 EA 65 R1 GJV3074359R1 07EA65R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 9
07 EA 80 GJR52302 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 1
07 EA 90-S GJR5251200R0101 07EA90-S Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 3
Part # Alternate Number Desc Mfg System Name #Available
07 EB 200 GJV3072411R1 07EB200 Binary Input Module ABB Procontic 1
07 EB 61 R1 GJV 30 743 41 R1 07EB61R1 Digital Input Module ABB Procontic 49
07 EB 62 R1 GJV3074342R1 Fast Binary Input Module ABB Procontic 5
07 EB 90-S GJR5250900R0101 07EB90-S Digital Input Module ABB Procontic 2
07 EI 60 GJV3074357R1 Interrupt Input 24v DC ABB Procontic 1
07 ET 83 A Procontic Cardfile ABB Procontic Ask
07 GS 40 R1 Procontic B Cardfile ABB Procontic 1
07 KP 60 R101 GJV 30 743 60 R101 Communication Module - T200 ABB Procontic 4
07 KP 62 GJR5240400R105 07KP62 Communication Processor - RS232 ABB Procontic Ask
07 KP 64 GJR5240600R0101 Communication Processor - RS232 RCOM ABB Procontic 12
07 KR 228 GJV3 0724 01 R1, 07 KR 228 R1 Compact Controller ABB Procontic Ask
07 KR 240 R1 GJV3 0724 02 R1, 07 KR 240b Controller - Basic Configuration 220 Vac ABB Procontic 7
07 KR 264dR1 GJV3072403R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB Procontic 2
07 KT 228 GJV3 0724 17 R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB Procontic 2
07 KT 240D R1 GJV3072419R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB Procontic 1
07 KT 31 FPR3600228R1202 Central Unit - 30 Series ABB Procontic 2
07 KT 60 R101 GJV3074381R101 Text Processor Module ABB Procontic Ask
07 MK 62 GATS110143R0002 RS232 Communications Module ABB Procontic Ask
07 NG 60 R1 GJV 30 743 10 R1 Power Supply ABB Procontic 7
07 NG 61 R1 GJV 30 743 11 R1 Power Supply ABB Procontic 10
07 NG 61 R2 GJR5240300R0202 Power Supply ABB Procontic 1
07 NG 63 R1 GJV 30 743 13 R1 Power Supply ABB Procontic 6
Part # Alternate Number Desc Mfg System Name #Available
70 AA 02a-E HESG 446433 R1 70 AA 02a-E Analog Output Module ABB Procontrol P13 36
70 AB 01b-E HESG 446867 R2 70AB01b-E Digital Output Module ABB Procontrol P13 59
70 AS 04b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 04b-E Motor Control Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 AS 06a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 06a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 AS 32a-E HESG 332121 R1 70 AS 32a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 6
70 AS 40b-E HESG332140R1 70 AS 40b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 41b-E 70AS41b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 AS 45b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 45b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 13
70 AS 46b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 46b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 32
70 AS 47b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 47b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 5
70 AS 67a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 67a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 7
70 BA 01b HESG 446421 R2 70 BA 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 8
70 BK 02a-E HESG 332077 R1 70 BK 02a-E Bus Coupling Module ABB Procontrol P13 8
70 BL 02C HESG 332157 R2 70 BL 02C Cable ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BL 30a HESG 446528 R1 70 BL 30a Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BL 31a HESG 332123 R3 70 BL 31a Cable ABB Procontrol P13 3
70 BT 01b HESG 446998 R1 70 BT 01b Bus Transfer Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 BV 01b-E HESG 446421 R1 70 BV 01b-E Bus Module ABB Procontrol P13 25
70 EA 01b-E HESG 447038 R1 70 EA 01b-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EA 02a-E HESG 446409 R1 70EA02a-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 33
70 EA 03a-E HESG 446680 R1 70 EA 03a-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 14
70 EA 04a-E HESG 446542 R1 70 EA 04a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 EA 04b-E HESG 447103 R1 70 EA 04b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 EB 01b-E HESG 447005 R2 70EB01b-E Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 EB 02b-E HESG 446889 R4 70 EB 02b-E Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 58
70 EB 03a HESG 446729 R1 70 EB 03a Dgitial Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 ER 01a HESG 446457 R1 70 ER 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 FA 01A HESG 223063 R1 70 FA 01A Intra-Plant Bus Access Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 14
70 FA 01b HESG 223140 R1 70 FA 01b Intra-Plant Bus Access Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 8
70 FK 01b HESG 447016 R1 70 FK 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 20
Part # Alternate Number Desc Mfg System Name #Available
70 FK01a HESG446048R1 70FK01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 FV 01a-E HESG 332101 R1 70 FV 01a-E Control Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 PR 02a-E HEIE 310247 R1 70 PR 02a-E Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 PR 03c-E HESG 223150 R1 Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 30b-E HESG 446775 R1 70 SK 30b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 31b-E HESG 447060 R1 70 SK 31b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SK 32a-E HESG 446706 R1 70 SK 32a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 33b-E HESG 446917 R2 70 SK 33b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 3
70 SK 34b-E HESG 446760 R2 70 SK 34b-E Coupling Module - Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 36b-E HESG 446959 R1 70 SK 36b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 SK 37b-E HESG 446764 R2 70 SK 37b-E Coupling Module - Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 Ask
70 SL 01a HESG 332043 R1 70 SL 01a Simulator Module ABB Procontrol P13 1
70 VV 01a HESG 447043 R1 70 VV 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 2
70 WA 01a-E HESG 446707 R1 70 WA 01a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 3