IC693MDL940RR工业以太网的进步使得工厂的智能互联制造成为可能。现场仪器仪表使用传统模拟信号(即4至20 mA、0 V至10 V)连接到以太网域。这对固定功能的I/O模块提出了挑战。系统设计人员需要设计多个模块来覆盖不同的传感器和执行器。然而,固定功能模块中的某些通道可能未被使用,成为多余通道。软件可配置I/O模块支持有效使用I/O系统中的所有通道。拥挤的布线可能导致传感器和执行器与这些固定功能I/O的连接不正确。调试和排除这些故障非常耗时,并且需要手动将负载重新连接到I/O通道。
Rapid Air A4 Stock Feeder
Rapid Air A2 Stock Feeder
Rapid Air B4 Stock Feeder
Welch Duo-Seal Vacuum Pump 1400 z-02 appears unused
Dayton pneumatic Straight Line Sander 4z697b sand paper
Audion Elektro 420A Heat Bag Sealer 16" width
Lot of 3 Sick CLV212A1010 Bar Code Scanner Barcode
Tenney Jr Environmental Chamber Oven
Lot of 5 Oriental Motor SS21-UL Control Pack
Lot of 6 fuji Magnetic Contactors SJ-OG and TR-ON
Lambda JWS150-24/A 24vdc power supply 6.5A
Vishay Dale RH-100 100w watt Power Resistor 2.5 ohm 1%
FROMM Metal Strapping Banding Sealer Crimper (800)
SEEKA Takex Sensor GRO2S New GR02S
Minarik MM31640A Adjustable Speed Controller
Lot of 2 Norand RT1700 Barcode Scanner RM50HS
SMC Rotary Actuator CDRA1BW100-180C-A53 wt D-A53
Keyence TA-340 Controller and TH315 ring sensor Lot 5
Omron S3D2-CC-US Sensor Controller lot of 2
SMC Cylinder CDG1BA40-650-B59W 27" stroke Nice!
Cincinnati Royal 16 Drill Press adjustable speed
Hermetic Seal Bubble Tester
Excel Technologies Versamet Photo Exposure Meter
Hirata SCARA Robot with Controller AR-S350-4-350
Microscan Quadrus Mini FIS-6300-0002G IB-131 IC-332
Oriental Motor OM ES01 Speed Controller many available
Fuji DeviceNet AS-i Gateway FC2LA-DL Good Condition!
Oriental Motor Vexta stepping motor PH268M-E068B
Oriental Motor E3940-444 Reversable Motor
Acopos 1090 Servo Controller 8ACP 8AC120 8AC110 New
Oriental Motor Gearhead 3GN9K New in Box
Oriental Motor Gearhead 5GK12.5KA Gear Head New
Textron Rivmatic 360 Riveter Rivet Feeder Allen Bradley
Siemens Furnas 2 pole 40A 600V 24v coil 42CF15AJAHZ
Baldor 1/2 HP 1725 rpm Single phase AC motor VL3504